The Freedom of Self-Love

As I was sitting down to write some copy for my new program, I was asking myself: what can Self-Love give someone?

And, as I have always been my first client (I went through the exact same step-by-step process I teach my clients and it changed my own life), I asked myself: What has Self-Love given me? I wrote down a few words, and left it at that.

A few weeks later, I came back to work on this again, seeing the words I wrote a few weeks back.

One word struck me: FREE.

Self-Love has made me feel free. Free from the negative thoughts, free from hating my body, free from letting others keep me small, free from keeping myself small.

So, here is what I wrote, with no editing, this was free flowing out of me on a mundane Thursday that has forever changed my life.

Have you ever experienced true self-love? The only way I can describe it is feeling truly free. The first time I felt it, it felt like a whole rock had been lifted off my shoulders. My back didn’t hurt as much anymore. 1 because i knew how to handle stress so much better (stress lives in my back) and 2 because it figuratively had. I no longer battled internally within my mind. “I can’t do this” turned into, “why can’t you do this” to “how can you do this”. “You will fail” turned into “you might, and what’s wrong with that?” I finally owned my power, owned my thoughts and realized I get to determine my worth. My body was no longer something I hated and a literal thief of joy and became something that I appreciated and nourished and respected. My soul, my soul, my soul. She’s beautiful. Creating the life that my soul always desired and being in true alignment with who I am supposed to be, has been the single most important journey of my lifetime this far. Living almost an entire decade as a shell of myself due to a toxic relationship with myself and toxic relationship with others has taught me how low it can get, how you can abandon yourself. But this journey has taught me that you can always come home again. My journey will never be over, there are always more layers to peel back. Every day is a new experience to learn and peel and learn again. The cool thing about self-love is that you get to love and care and know yourself through each layer. And isn’t that all we can ask for in this beautiful life?

I’m not sure if I’ll use this for my new program, but I feel called to share anyways. For you. For me. For us as a collective.

Self-Love will always mean something different to each of us, but I know we can all agree on one thing, we want to feel free.


Start with Self-Leadership!


What to do on those days you feel like you didn’t accomplish anything.