why do i need self-love
why self-love is important at work

Self-Love is the foundation of everything you will do in your life. Especially at work.

why you should practice self-love in leadership
practicing self-love at work

Let's chat about something close to my heart: the journey of self-love. Self-Love means something different for everyone. We are all on our own unique journey. For some, it's all about ditching that toxic diet culture and embracing every inch of their beautiful selves. Others find it in saying goodbye to toxic relationships and putting their own happiness first. And then there are those who use self-love as a superpower to break free from generational cycles of trauma.

But hey, if you're here reading this, chances are you're on a similar journey as me. Maybe you've poured your heart and soul into your career, only to find yourself feeling drained and lost. Perhaps you chased after that perfect job title or climbed the corporate ladder, only to realize it left you feeling empty. Or maybe you've let toxic bosses or coworkers dim your light.

However you got here, and whatever your reasons, know this: life doesn't have to be this way.

Yes, you can absolutely thrive in your career and personal life without sacrificing your sanity.

And guess what? It all starts with self-love.

Now, hold on a second. Self-love isn't just about treating yourself to a bubble bath or a massage (although those are pretty amazing, aren't they?). It goes way deeper than that.

I've been asked time and time again why self-love is so important, especially in the workplace and as a leader. Let me break it down for you: self-love is like the secret sauce behind all your skills. I call self-love “The skill behind the skills.”

Think about it this way: every action you take, every decision you make—it all stems from your sense of self. And when you truly love yourself—like, really, deeply, unconditionally—your actions come from a place of pure authenticity, confidence, and alignment with your truest self. And when you're aligned with your true self, magic happens. You start to not only love yourself but also understand and empathize with others on a whole new level.

But here's the kicker: you can't truly love others until you love yourself first.

So TLDR: You can't be a badass leader until you learn to love yourself.

Now, don't get me wrong. Those leadership programs focusing on team building, conflict management, and problem-solving? They're great. But here's the thing: they're missing the most important piece of the puzzle—you.

Because self-love is the foundation all of those leadership skills will be built.

So let’s put self-love into action and watch how it will assist you throughout a typical work day!

Imagine you're gearing up for a big sales meeting. Execs, team members, clients—all eyes on you.

  • You made a promise to yourself to bring your authentic self to the table because you know deep down that's what the client wants. No second-guessing (that's self-acceptance in action).

  • The night before, you pampered yourself with a delicious meal, a skincare routine fit for royalty, and an early bedtime. Oh, and let's not forget the power of your favorite tunes to set the mood before the meeting (self-care, anyone?).

  • As the meeting kicks off, those butterflies start fluttering in your stomach. But instead of letting them get the best of you, you take a deep breath and remind yourself—you got this (that's self-awareness talking).

  • Sure, you might stumble over a word or skip a slide. But you know what? You brush it off and keep going, no self-criticism in sight (yep, that's self-forgiveness).

  • When the tough questions start flying, you trust your gut and let your expertise shine through (hello, self-trust).

  • And when you walk away from that meeting with a deal signed, sealed and delivered without contingencies or discounts, you feel a wave of gratitude—not just for the win but for yourself, your worth, and your team. (that's self-gratitude in action).

Can you do all of this without self-love? Sure, technically you can.

But why would you want to?

Self-love is your ticket to ease, freedom, and unshakable trust in yourself. It's knowing that even when the going gets tough, you've got what it takes to weather the storm.

It's about recognizing your worth and having the courage to ask for what you want, no apologies needed.

It's about staying true to your values and making decisions that honor your authentic self, flaws and all.

And guess what? This isn't just about you. Nope. When you lead from a place of self-love, you become a beacon of inspiration for others.

Within the scenario above, I included the layers of self-love that are the backbone of my leadership framework, Layers to Leadership, in parentheses.

(Now, when I say "leader," I'm not just talking about someone who's in charge of a team or an organization. Being a leader means so much more than that. It's about leading your own life, your own journey, in a way that's authentic and true to yourself.)

Think of these as the secret sauce, the magic ingredients that fuel your journey toward becoming the best leader you can be.

We're talking about Self-Awareness, Self-Forgiveness, Self-Acceptance, Self-Gratitude, Self-Care, and Self-Trust. Each one of these isn't just a concept; they are superpowers you can harness every single day.

Every time you face a challenge, whether it's a tough decision, a setback, or a moment of self-doubt, these layers of self-love are there to guide you through. They're like your trusty sidekicks, cheering you on and reminding you of your worth, resilience, and inner strength.

But here's the best part: these layers of self-love aren't just about you—they're about the kind of leader you can become. When you cultivate self-love, you're not just nurturing your own well-being; you're laying the foundation for emotional intelligence, authenticity, resilience, inutition, integrity, communication, and all the other qualities that make a great leader.

And guess what? I've seen it in action. I've witnessed leaders transform their teams, their organizations, and themselves by embracing these layers of self-love.

So go ahead, embrace self-love like your career depends on it.

Because trust me, it does.

If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a leader—but most importantly, as a human being—let's do this. Let's dive deep into the skills that will stay with you, no matter where life takes you.

Click below and let's embark on this incredible journey together. ✨