How to use Self-Love for your One-on-One Reviews

Have you ever shown up at your monthly 1:1 check in, or started preparing for an interview and realize you just don’t really remember all your milestones or accomplishments, or just forgot the day to day minutia? But you KNOW you made an impact? Try this journaling technique to help you not only remember your accomplishments but celebrate them! Because you are worth celebrating.

Something we do in my community, whether it’s on Instagram, or in my programs, is something called: Self-Love Celebrations. We celebrate anything big or small, or something you’re proud of yourself for doing that week. Whether it’s you took a bath, went for a walk, practiced mindful eating, talked kind to yourself, called a friend, managed your stress better or you made a million dollars. Seriously, whatever you are proud of yourself for!

Celebrating your wins does a few things:

  • It builds confidence and motivation because you know you overcame a challenge.

  • Helps you with a positive, growth mindset by ditching imposter syndrome. You know you can overcome challenges, so you believe in your abilities to do it again and again. So, on a day you feel like an imposter, revisit your journal.

  • When you show gratitude to your accomplishments (and to yourself) you are energetically acknowledging you would like more to celebrate.

So, me being me, and how I LOVE to intersect Self-Love with our work lives, I thought this is a great activity to use at the end of every work week. It’s called Proud Professional journaling, and it goes a little like this.

Proud Professional Journaling:

Layer 1: Self-Love Celebration: What is something you are proud of yourself personally this week? Did you stick to your workout routine, did you set a boundary, did you relax, did you adjust your mindset? Read more? Eat your favorite meal? Did you juggle everything as best as you could? Literally anything! Nothing is too big or too small to celebrate.

Layer 2: What is something you are proud of yourself for professionally this week? Did you close a deal? Did you finish that project? Did you work as a team player? Did you knock out your to-do list? Did you manage your time better? Be sure to include numbers, percentages, anything tangible.

Layer 3: How did you positively impact your company, co-workers, or team this week? Did you ask someone about their family or pets (by name)? Did you cover for someone when they were sick? Did you take something off someone’s plate? Did you smile through Dave’s weird story about his backpacking trip? Did you communicate more clearly?

Layer 4: Pay it forward. Celebrate or thank a co-worker or team member for something amazing they did this week.


  • Actually schedule this in your calendar, whether it’s 10-15 minutes at the beginning of the day, or end of the day, when you get that notification you are more apt to do it.

  • Use storytelling. Write your professional win with a beginning (how was the company before, what did you do, and what was the end outcome.) This not only helps you remember how you accomplished it, but when you are in your review or in an interview, you already have the story ready to go.

  • Get a cute journal that is only for Proud Professional celebrations.

  • Feel free to do this at the end of every day, not just every day.

  • At the end of every month pull out your five favorite accomplishments and make a list. (Easier to access your wins in a pinch!)

  • Read these before any job interview, performance review, new client call, or when you feel imposter syndrome.

If you practice this every week, when you step into that review or that interview, you will have 52 tangible examples of accomplishments from your workplace to use. ✨ If you do this every work day that’s 260 stories. 🥳

Happy Celebrating!!


Self-Love: The Essential Soft Skill for Women in the Workplace


Lindsey’s Lessons Lately ✨