A Guide to the 6 Essential Layers for Lasting Leadership Success

Ever consider what makes a leader truly exceptional? It's not just about the title, it's about the inner work they've done. Today, we're diving into the core of leadership mastery, and guess what?

The magic starts with you.

Think about the leaders who've left a lasting impact on you… They're not just polished professionals, they're individuals who have dared to delve into their own depths. They've embraced their strengths, confronted their challenges, and emerged as beacons of inspiration for everyone in their orbit. As leaders, it’s important for us to be the least harmful version of ourselves.

In this blog post, we're unveiling the blueprint for lasting leadership success, layer by layer. By nurturing your personal growth and knowing, and owning your strengths and weaknesses, you'll align with a leadership style that's uniquely yours.

So, are you ready to harness your potential and pave your path to leadership greatness? Let's dive into the six essential layers that will be the foundation on your path to impactful, effective leadership!

  1. Self-Awareness: When that call comes for you to be a leader, you must start becoming self-aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Being self-aware helps you understand yourself, manage your emotions, and communicate better. There is so much power in just knowing yourself. And plus honing your own self-awareness skills helps you have a better understanding of your teams thoughts, feeling, and actions, too! So this first layer is important for learning how to reflect and set the foundation for leading yourself and your team.

  2. Self-Forgiveness: We all got here somehow. And in between the then and now, we started embodying belief systems from our friends, families, workplaces, cultures, the media, anything you take in. And these stories stick with us, until we decide to rewrite them. Stories that keep you small. Stories that keep you quiet. Stories that hold you back. And we definitely don’t want that happening so you can stand in your full embodied self and develop a growth mindset.

    You must be able to release these stories so you can be great leader. You must be able to forgive yourself for any actions, thoughts, feelings that you had in the past. They don’t have to define your reality now. Let them go and release. You will feel so much lighter!

  3. Self-Acceptance: So once you release those old stories, you get to uncover a new one. Who are you? What makes you YOU? What are your values, strengths, weaknesses, purpose? When you remove everyone from the equation, what do you really want? In this layer, you get to redefine your worth, value, and authenticity through self-acceptance on your terms so you can lead from your authentic core.

  4. Self-Gratitude: I know you’ve heard about gratitude, but how often do you practice gratitude for yourself? You are the one who got you this far. You are resilient. So celebrate you. You’re doing amazing sweetie. When you are able to look at yourself with wonder and awe, amazing things start to happen. Finish that project? Celebrate yourself. Had a tough one-on-one with your report? Celebrate yourself. Left work on time? Celebrate yourself. Just try it! And not just say it, actually feel and embody the gratitude. I promise it will change your life.

  5. Self-Care: I’m sure if you’ve gotten this far in your career, you might have had to sacrifice your well-being to get there. Orrr maybe you love your job, but just have that languishing, blah feeling of every day is the same. Well that ends here and now. Because guess what? You can be a badass leader AND take care of yourself. When we start practicing holistic self-care, we can begin to reconnect back into our bodies, back into our soul, and back into the things that bring us joy and fulfillment. Which is what this layer is all about! Fulfillment first, so we can show up with powerful, inspirational energy at work (and in our personal lives as well, of course)!

  6. Self-Trust: In this last layer it is important to stand in your power by listening to…. YOU! Self-Trust is built by constantly betting on you. Self-Trust is built by listening to your intuition and building confidence by taking trusting, loving, authentic action. No one else knows you like you. Being a leader relies heavily on decision making, and the best decisions are made from a simple knowing. And that knowing is within you. You just have to learn to listen. And trust.

So there you have it! The Layers to Leadership. You can use these every single day. You can use them in order, out of order, or pick one or two to practice today, but the outcome will always be your own unique version of self-leadership.

I use these 6 layers to underpin all of my programs whether it’s a go at your own pace course, one-on-one program, group program, or membership.

Let’s hop on a call to figure out what self-love approach will work best for you so you can learn how to harness these layers and become the impactful leader you were always meant to be! 👇🏻 Because as I always say - Leadership starts with you!


10 Ways to Practice Self-Love at Work