For: The HR Manager

Imagine how your organization feels when employees have a healthy mindset, actively manage their energy, and lead with integrity, intuition and intention day after day…

Imagine how your organization thrives when employees feel safe, seen and understood…

Imagine the output from employees who trust themselves, and empower others to do so in a compassionate, authentic way…

This is where we come in.

10 Ways Self-Love Training Benefits

Your Employees and Organization

  • 1. Enhanced Well-Being

    Self-Love training promotes mental and emotional well-being among employees. When individuals prioritize self-care and cultivate a positive self-image, they are more resilient, less stressed, and better equipped to handle workplace challenges.

  • 2. Increased Productivity

    Employees who practice Self-Love are generally more engaged and productive. When individuals feel valued and supported in their personal development, they bring a more focused and energized mindset to their work.

  • 3. Reduced Burnout

    Investing in Self-Love training can contribute to a reduction in burnout rates. By teaching stress management techniques and encouraging a healthy work-life balance, employees are less likely to experience burnout, resulting in higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

  • 4. Positive Company Culture

    Fostering a culture of Self-Love can significantly impact the overall company culture. It encourages empathy, understanding, and support among colleagues, leading to a more collaborative and positive work environment.

  • 5. Improved Communication

    Self-Love training includes components that enhance emotional intelligence and communication skills. Employees who are more self-aware and empathetic can communicate more effectively, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts in the workplace.

  • 6. Enhanced Leadership Skills

    Self-Love is a fundamental aspect of effective leadership. Training in this area can help leaders better understand themselves, build stronger relationships with their teams, and lead with authenticity and empathy.

  • 7. Talent Attraction and Retention

    Organizations that prioritize the well-being of their employees are more attractive to top talent. Offering Self-Love training is a strategic move in attracting and retaining skilled professionals who value a holistic approach to their work and personal lives.

  • 8. Innovation and Creativity

    A positive and supportive work environment, fostered through Self-Love principles, can stimulate innovation and creativity. Employees who feel secure and valued are more likely to contribute fresh ideas and take risks, driving the company's success.

  • 9. Diversity and Inclusion

    Self-Love training can contribute to a more inclusive workplace. When individuals appreciate and value themselves, they are more likely to extend that appreciation to their colleagues, creating a culture that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusivity.

  • 10. Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

    Ultimately, Self-Love training contributes to increased overall employee satisfaction and engagement. When individuals feel acknowledged, supported, and encouraged to prioritize their well-being, they are more likely to be loyal and invested in the success of the company.

We offer made-for-you workshops, courses, retreats or programs based on the needs of a certain department, team, or individual.

Tell us the outcome, goal, or transformation you desire and we will put together a pitch for you (or your decision maker) to meet those needs.

We cover topics from stress management and burnout prevention, to mindfulness and holistic self-care, to confidence and self-trust, to active listening and growth mindset! Plus many more.

▻▻▻ Lindsey also has 14 years of sales and operations management experience. Here’s her LinkedIn if you would like to explore her professional background. We can easily add customer service, sales, or operations training into our programs.

We work at the organizational, department, team, or individual level and can facilitate through:
‣ 1:1 Coaching
‣ Group Coaching
‣ Workshops
‣ Courses
‣ Retreats

From conception to execution, my goal is to provide you with a seamless experience to help develop your employees based on your company’s specific values, goals, and desired outcome.

  • Assess.

    We will begin with you telling me a little background about the team, what they are struggling with and the transformation you are looking for by the end of the service.

  • Design.

    Then I will get to work putting together an outline based on your specific desired outcome, timeline, team members and budget.

  • Deliver.

    Once approved, we will decide on in person or digital, a date, and I will present to your company!

    All services will include activations to keep focus, and worksheets to take so you can keep the momentum going long after our time together!


This Could Be You!

Here is a real life example. I was approached by a leading Agriculture Trading Company to work with their sales team.

I was told their sales team was living in a constant state of negativity, was feeling discouraged by lack of sales, and needed to understand foundational strategies to show up in a state of peace and presence every day.

So, here is what I put together for them!

This could be used for your sales team.

Or I can develop from scratch. This gives you an idea of what is possible for your company.

I can’t wait to help!

As a Self-Love Coach, I approach problem solving through taking responsibility for ones own well-being, mindset, and growth. And that’s what I’m here to teach your team!

My motto is “leadership starts with you” because once we are fully comfortable within ourselves (mind, body, soul, emotions), everything starts to change. Which means amazing things are on their way for your company!

Are you ready to help your team be their best?

Take your company to the next level.