Working With Your Cycle: A Free Guide to Cycle Syncing at Work

This is a simple, quick guide to each phase of your menstrual cycle so you can connect with your feminine energy, build self-compassion, improve productivity, and Work With Your Cycle (instead of against it).

This is for you if you want to be more productive at work, feel in sync with the rhythm of your body, and lean into your divine feminine power.

The purpose of this guide is to bring awareness to your cycle, the energy each phase will bring, and how you can empower yourself by learning how to own your cycle and let it work for you.

Through each phase, we will discuss what is happening in your body hormonally and energetically, what tasks are best to focus on so you can be more productive, and self-care activities to help you nurture your energy.

Your Working With Your Cycle Guide Includes:

  • In depth breakdowns for each of the four phases in your cycle

  • Quick Chart that highlights the phases at a glance

  • Three months of Cycle Trackers

  • Calendar

This guide is perfect for those who want to learn how to be more productive through cycle syncing!

PS - If you do not currently have a period due to medical or medicinal reasons or you are pregnant or post-menopausal, you can cycle with the energies of the moon. Within this resource, each phase of the menstrual cycle also corresponds with a phase of the moon!